We are seeking volunteers to take blood pressure and perform glucose screenings at a free health and wellness workshop sponsored by the Foothill Unity Center in Monrovia.
This health movement workshop is designed to educate members of our community to help them make healthier choices, learn more about strategies for preventing heart disease and encourage people to live heart healthy lives.
Date and Location:
Friday, February 24, 2017
8:00am to 10:00am
Foothill Unity Center
340 W. Chestnut Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016
Foothill Unity Center is a place of real hope and possibilities for people in crisis throughout the San Gabriel Valley-offering food, temporary shelter, case management, transportation, referrals and a variety of health services for low-income and homeless people in eleven communities in Los Angeles County.
How to Volunteer:
To volunteer or learn more, please call 626-343-5266 or email volunteer@success.edu.